“Spoločnosť Unibon pre Imperial Brands designovala a vyrábala nábytok pri príležitosti uvádzania novej značky PULZE na český trh. Inovatívne riešenia, praktické pripomienky, grafické spracovanie, rýchlosť zapracovania úprav, ktoré vývoj prinášal veľmi oceňujem. Priateľská atmosféra a profesionálny prístup, ochota osobne otestovať prototypy priamo na predajni a to celé s nadšením považujem za nadštandardný. Konštruktívne diskusie a efektívne meetingy, vrátane online prehľadu o výrobe a dodávkach len doplňujú celý prístup Unibonu k práci. Osobne sa teším na ďalšie spoločné projekty.”
I am satisfied the service that provided quick responds with good communications.
Also, quallityhas improved and meet at wht we request.
LG Electronics CZ HA
“Family company Miele & Cie. KG, a manufacturer of household appliances operating in more than 90 countries around the world, has chosen UNiBON Production s.r.o. for technical development and production of POS solutions for a transnational projects. During several implemented projects, this cooperation met our expectations in the field of innovative solutions, quality and speed of processing individual projects. We appreciate the complexity and professionalism of their services thanks to the high quality and prestige of MIELE brand products.
Together, we have managed not only to develop and manufacture a POS solution that meets the highest requirements, but also to manage demanding logistics to all countries where MIELE is one of the best-selling brands of home appliances.
We are very much looking forward to further mutual cooperation, new challenges, interesting projects."

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