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The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

  • Prokazatelné zkušenosti v oblasti akvizice a obchodního jednání.

  • Znalost trhu s designovým nábytkem a orientaci na trendy.

  • Schopnost vytvářet a udržovat dlouhodobé vztahy s klienty.

  • Vynikající komunikační dovednosti a kreativní přístup k řešení problémů.

  • Vytrvalost, adaptabilitu, chuť učit se pořád něco nového, cílevědomost – a hlavně rádi přivítáme člověka, který s námi bude usilovat o společnou synergii v týmu.

  • Orientaci na výsledek.

  • Znalost anglického / německého jazyka na komunikativní úrovni, další cizí jazyk je výhodou.

  • ŘP sk. B a flexibilitu k cestování

The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

  • Aktivní vyhledávání a akvizice nových klientů, kteří by mohli využít naše produkty/služby.

  • Znalost trhu s designovým nábytkem a orientaci na trendy.

  • Udržování a rozvíjení vztahů s klíčovými klienty.

  • Analýza trhu a konkurence pro identifikaci obchodních příležitostí.

  • Příprava a prezentace obchodních nabídek.

  • Spolupráce na kampaních zaměřených na podporu prodeje.

The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

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The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

The production range at UNiBON is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will produce that day. Where have you heard that? Does ‘Forrest Gump’ ring a bell? It is not meant to be taken literally, as the meaning of Forrest's quote accurately describes our production program at UNiBON. We do not produce chocolate boxes, but we can make them to order if you’d like. What we always guarantee is original design, expert processing and amazing final results. You will find our realizations in the stores of world-recognized companies, whose requirements for the materials used, processing or technology are very broad. Individual implementations are always uniquely solved, and activities for individual orders are also varied.

UNiBON is a dynamically developing company that offers its employees stable employment and a personal approach. We form a hardworking team that stands behind the delivered quality of the final product. Each of our employees plays an important role in the production process; UNiBON knows this very well, and therefore everyone can continue to learn something new for their work and expand their current skills and knowledge.

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